Family Members with an "T" Surname
Page last updated 4 November 2022.
Because the Family Member Surname List was getting overwhelming, I am attempting to make it easier for others looking for a name. So I have divided it into alphabetic lists. Hope this helps.
The family pages done are for:
b. = birth name (if adopted)
d. = infant's/child's year of death
m. = maiden name
h1., h2.. = surname of first husband, second husband
- Women are listed more than once...under their maiden surname [m.], and under their married surname(s) [h1., h2., h3., etc.].
- If the person was adopted, "b." indicates their surname at birth if known, and "a." is their adopted name.
- Spouses that I have no or very little additional information for have no individual page at this time. You are directed to go the spouse's page instead.
The family pages done are for:
- BERRY, Frances Elizabeth (m. TALBERT, h1. JONES)
- KNOTT, Irene Levi (m. TALLENT)
- TARTISEL, Edith J. (m. TAYLOR)
- PEUGH, Lydia Ellen (m. TAVENNER)
- CLEMENTS, Katherine Margaret (m. BESSLER, h1. TAYLOR, h2. HOWARD)
- DENNISON, Elizabeth E. (m. TAYLOR)
- DENYER, Bernice N. (m. TAYLOR)
- MILSTEAD, Blanche C. (m. TAYLOR)
- PYLES, Olyve Louise (m. TAYLOR)
- RAUM, Marcelena Laura (m. TAYLOR)
- RAUM, Mildred Ardelia (m. TAYLOR)
- ROLAND, Agnes Isabelle (m. THORNE, h1. TAYLOR)
- TARTISEL, Edith J. (m. TAYLOR)
- TAYLOR, Alice Eleanor
- TAYLOR, Alma Gertrude
- TAYLOR, Arthur Columbus
- TAYLOR, Beverly
- TAYLOR, Carl C.
- TAYLOR, Celestia Jane (m. THORN)
- TAYLOR, Charles Columbus
- TAYLOR, Charles Herbert
- TAYLOR, Clara E.
- TAYLOR, Clyde H.
- TAYLOR, Daisy Myrtle (m. THORNE)
- TAYLOR, Donald Douglas
- TAYLOR, Elizabeth (m. THORNE)
- TAYLOR, June Churchill (m. MALONEY)
- TAYLOR, Nancy Cleo (m. GIBSON)
- TAYLOR, Paul Eugene
- TAYLOR, Pauline M. (m. DENNISON)
- TAYLOR, Ray Sherman
- TAYLOR, Reginald Columbus
- TAYLOR, Sarah Ellen (m. THORNE)
- TAYLOR, Theresa Grace (m. RAUM)
- TAYLOR, Thomas Arthur
- TAYLOR, Virginia Norris (m. POOLE, h1. DUNCAN)
- TAYLOR, William Francis
- THORN, Elizabeth Roberta (m. TAYLOR)
- THORN, Nettie (m. TAYLOR)
- THORNE, Katie Iwilla (m. TAYLOR)
- ARANT, Elizabeth Gertrude (m. THORNE)
- CLUBB, Catherine Rebecca (m. THORN)
- CROSBY, Patricia Mae (m. THORNE, h1. STRADER)
- DENNISON, Hilda Marie (m. THORNE)
- DILLON, Barbara Virginia (m. THORNE, h1. MITCHELL, h2. RODAWAY)
- DUVALL, Frances Agnes (m. THORNE, h1. BUTLER)
- ELLISON, Edna Irene (m. THORNE)
- FOUCHE, Margaret Elvis (m. THORNE)
- FRENCH, Katie Coralee (m. THORN)
- GRIGSBY, Culena Roberta (m. THORNE, h1. KING)
- HELMS, Ruby Mae (b. BELCHER, h1. THORNE)
- KERBY, Gertrude M. (m. THORNE, h1. THORN)
- LIBBY, Linda Lou (m. THORNE)
- MATTINGLY, Catherine Ula (m. THORNE)
- McDONALD, Norma Louise (m. THORNE)
- MOFFETT, Fannie Christine (m. THORN, h1. BEAUMONT, h2. THORNE)
- RAUM, Lilias May (m. THORNE, h1. LUSBY)
- RITTER, Angela Elizabeth (m. WALZEL, h1. THORNE)
- RITTER, Estelle Frances (m. PATTEN, h1. THORNE)
- ROLAND, Agnes Isabelle (m. THORNE, h1. TAYLOR)
- ROLAND, Hattie Aleine (m. SWAIN, h1. THORNE)
- ROLAND, Lola Mae (m. THORNE)
- SELLNER, Ada Elizabeth (m. THORNE)
- SENES, Mary Juanita (m. THORNE)
- STAMP, Grace (m. THORNE)
- TAYLOR, Celestia Jane (m. THORN)
- TAYLOR, Daisy Myrtle (m. THORNE)
- TAYLOR, Elizabeth (m. THORNE)
- TAYLOR, Sarah Ellen (m. THORNE)
- THORN, Aloysius Brooke
- THORN, Elizabeth Indianna (m. SANSBURY)
- THORN, Elizabeth Roberta (m. TAYLOR)
- THORN, George Washington
- THORN, Henry Colvin
- THORN, John H.
- THORN, Joseph Alexander
- THORN, Lee Compton
- THORN, Lucy Anne (m. BARRETT)
- THORN, Mary Ann (m. MATTINGLY)
- THORN, Nettie (m. TAYLOR)
- THORN, Richard H.
- THORN, Samuel Claggett
- THORN, Samuel Perry
- THORN, Thomas Seaton
- THORNE, Agnes Mary (m. HOULAHAN)
- THORNE, Allan M.
- THORNE, Aloysius Elmer
- THORNE, Anne Virginia (m. DARCEY)
- THORNE, Annie Virginia (m. PHILLIPS)
- THORNE, Benjamin Franklin
- THORNE, Bertha Annie (m. GARNER, h1. ROBEY)
- THORNE, Blanche Gertrude (m. DEANE)
- THORNE, Carlton Eugene
- THORNE, Carlton Eugene Jr.
- THORNE, Cecilia Elizabeth (m. HAMILTON)
- THORNE, Charles David
- THORNE, Charles Julian
- THORNE, Charles Leroy II
- THORNE, Chester Mathew
- THORNE, Clarence Elmer
- THORNE, Clarence Middleton
- THORNE, Clifton Sidney
- THORNE, Clinton Quinn
- THORNE, Columbus Dennis
- THORNE, Constance Evelyn (m. GATES)
- THORNE, Cora Roberta
- THORNE, Cornelius Smith
- THORNE, Daniel Richard
- THORNE, Delores Maxine (m. WOOD)
- THORNE, Dennis Niles
- THORNE, Dorothy A. (m. LONG)
- THORNE, Eleanor Mary (m. HOWELL)
- THORNE, Elmer Perry
- THORNE, Emma Virginia (m. COOKE)
- THORNE, Francis Bernard
- THORNE, Frederick Alfred
- THORNE, Genevieve Frances (m. LOWE)
- THORNE, George
- THORNE, George Berry
- THORNE, George Douglas
- THORNE, George Douglas Jr.
- THORNE, George Franklin
- THORNE, George Howard
- THORNE, George Howard Jr.
- THORNE, Grace Genevieve (m. CHESSER)
- THORNE, Guy Ulysses
- THORNE, Infant (d. 1905)
- THORNE, Infant (d. unknown 1)
- THORNE, Infant (d. unknown 2)
- THORNE, Infant (d. unknown 3)
- THORNE, James Dennis
- THORNE, James Eston
- THORNE, John Watson Jr.
- THORNE, Joseph Leonard
- THORNE, Joseph Ray
- THORNE, Julia Myrtle (m. COXEN)
- THORNE, Katherine (m. RAUM)
- THORNE, Katie Iwilla (m. TAYLOR)
- THORNE, Laura Virginia (m. BROOKE) [See Murray THORNE]
- THORNE, Louise Marie (m. ARTHUR)
- THORNE, Maggie Viola (m. SHIPMAN)
- THORNE, Margaret Irene (m. WOOD, h1. SWAIN)
- THORNE, Mary Elizabeth (m. SCHEER)
- THORNE, Mary Theresa (m. RAUM)
- THORNE, Mary W. (m. TUCKER)
- THORNE, Maude Marie (m. TAYLOR)
- THORNE, Maynard B.
- THORNE, Merrill Columbus
- THORNE, Mildred Eileen (m. MILLER)
- THORNE, Murray Cornelius
- THORNE, Murray Ebbsworth
- THORNE, Myrtle Eva
- THORNE, Nannie Elizabeth (m. JOHNSON)
- THORNE, Niles DeWitt
- THORNE, Nora Cecilia (m. KING)
- THORNE, Pearl Viola
- THORNE, Randolph Clarence
- THORNE, Raymond LyVernon (b. ROBEY)
- THORNE, Raymond LyVernon Jr.
- THORNE, Richard Ebbsworth
- THORNE, Robert Wiley
- THORNE, Rose Mary
- THORNE, Ruby Etta (m. THORNE)
- THORNE, Sadie Iola (m. THORNE)
- THORNE, Sarah Catherine (m. BERRY)
- THORNE, Sarah Reginal (m. COVERSTONE)
- THORNE, Sidney
- THORNE, Sydney Hunter
- THORNE, Thomas Warren
- THORNE, Troy Cornelius
- THORNE, Troy Elwood
- THORNE, Van Buren
- THORNE, Van Buren Jr.
- THORNE, Vera Mae (m. MILLER)
- THORNE, Vera Marie (m. THORNE)
- THORNE, Wesley Dale
- THORNE, William Everett
- THORNE, William Francis
- THORNE, William Herbert
- THORNE, William Howard
- THORNE, William Thomas Jr.
- THORNE, William Thomas III
- THORNE, Winston Robert
- TIPPETT, Catherine Shirley (m. THORNE)
- UNDERWOOD, Katherine Della (m. THORNE)
- VAN SISE, Willia Agnes (m. THORNE)
- WALZEL, Margaret Aleine (m. THORNE)
- TIPPETT, Catherine Shirley (m. THORNE)
- TIPPETT, Elmer Huntt
- HIGBEE, Ruby Elizabeth (m. TUCKER)
- BERRY, Ada E. (m. TURNER)
b. = birth name (if adopted)
d. = infant's/child's year of death
m. = maiden name
h1., h2.. = surname of first husband, second husband