PHILLIPS Family Members
Page last updated 23 September 2024.
Meaning (See
PHILLIPS family pages done are:
m. = maiden name
- English, Scottish, North German, Dutch, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): patronymic from the personal name Philip. In North America, this surname has also absorbed cognates from other languages, for example Italian Filippi, Polish Filipowicz, and Slovenian Filipič (see Filip). Compare Phillips.
- English, Dutch, North German, and Jewish (western Ashkenazic): patronymic from the personal name Philip. In North America, this surname has also absorbed cognates from other languages (see Philips).
PHILLIPS family pages done are:
- PHILLIPS, Fred Tazewell
- PHILLIPS, Gladys Ruth (m. COLE)
- PHILLIPS, Marshal Lee
m. = maiden name