Hope Rachel (PYLES) ROLAND
Page last updated 2 November 2024.
Birth: 23 August 1923 in Maryland
Death: 14 August 2009 in La Plata, Charles County, Maryland
Burial: 22 August 2009 at All Faith Episcopal Church cemetery, Mechanicsville, St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Headstone Text: ROLAND // Father / WALTER N. / NOV. 16, 1916 / MAR. 5, 1996 // Mother / HOPE R. / AUG. 23, 1923 / AUG. 14, 2009
Parents: Herbert Winfield PYLES and Edith Gertrude PYLES (m. PEAPER)
Parents' Children:
Spouse: Walter Norman ROLAND
Close Family also in the Same Cemetery: Walter and Hope share a headstone.
Family Information Compiled From: FindAGrave website (#86312910), FamilySearch website (#LRNH-S38), GenealogyBank, and family records.
m. = maiden name
Death: 14 August 2009 in La Plata, Charles County, Maryland
Burial: 22 August 2009 at All Faith Episcopal Church cemetery, Mechanicsville, St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Headstone Text: ROLAND // Father / WALTER N. / NOV. 16, 1916 / MAR. 5, 1996 // Mother / HOPE R. / AUG. 23, 1923 / AUG. 14, 2009
Parents: Herbert Winfield PYLES and Edith Gertrude PYLES (m. PEAPER)
Parents' Children:
- James Winfield PYLES
- Edith Gertrude PAYNE (m. PYLES)
- Hope Rachel ROLAND (m. PYLES)
- Calvin Carl PYLES
- Homer Ray PYLES
- Herbert Winfield PYLES Jr.
- Wayne R. PYLES
Spouse: Walter Norman ROLAND
- Walter Lawrence ROLAND
Close Family also in the Same Cemetery: Walter and Hope share a headstone.
Family Information Compiled From: FindAGrave website (#86312910), FamilySearch website (#LRNH-S38), GenealogyBank, and family records.
m. = maiden name